Saturday, March 28, 2009


I'll be forty-one next week.

My husband is out shopping with the kids as I write. The kids get me gifts, but my husband and I, we do not exchange presents. I put the kibosh on that looong ago.

One year, still back in college when I lived in a studio with no kitchen, he bought me a deep fat fryer, a crock pot, a vacuum and a wok. All at once.

So no more gifts.

The kids have better ideas, but they are dependant on their father to help them secure the goods.

It doesn't always work out as planned.

I own a green yoga mat that I faithfully use several times a week. Green is unofficially banned in my style of yoga (long story) but I schlep the offending mat into class every time.

Although I wear only silver jewelry, I have a "mother's" charm in the shape of a little girl made out of gold and sapphire. I try to remember to switch over to a gold chain every once in a while.

I drink gallons of coffee out of huge mugs, but I use the tiny 6 ounce cup with frogs on it when my littlest is paying attention.

I can't wait to see what comes my way this year.

Even when the kids gifts don't actually hit the mark, they come much closer than any attempt by my husband...

Love ya, hon...don't worry, I already bought myself something from you.


  1. You got a couple things coming from Amazon from me, no wrapping or card, so I will say here, Happy Fucking Birthday! Now go have beer. Love, Bro.

  2. You forgot to mention the bowling ball, porn and jar of juice.
