a little twinge
that something wasn't right
and enjoyed just a bit extra
that final day week month
the souls
who shared with you

It's not my place to grieve for you
Except you are woven into my story
and your footprints through my life
were formative
and timely and unique
The loss of you from this world means
I don't get to tell you
thank you
and sorry.
I loved you
but didn't know then
how to love myself
I was determined to escape
the shadow of a dismal childhood
You were in search of a loyal partner
dreams of following

with a home and tribe
I heard through the years
you found that partner
always together and present
for the family you made
on your own terms
living loudly, creating, giving
surrounded by community
I wished only that for you
And still, your early departure

because you've always shared
a piece of my heart
First there was you
And now you're gone
felled washing
the fucking dishes
I imagine the slightest smirk on your face
about that exit
And I always thought I'd meet you

because I owe you
more than a goodbye verse
You've taught me once more
and I will work hard to keep it close
Kindness matters

Tomorrow is never promised
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