My urge to write has resurfaced ever since I got a new laptop. I have no idea how to avoid oversharing, stepping on toes, or selfishly whining about my comfortable life. I will probably do all that and more, but if it gets me a good night's sleep again, then so be it. Lists are sooo overdone, so maybe I'll start there. Future posts will undoubtably highlight my amazing ability to depict stream of consciousness in writing form, maybe my first post will even be a combo...
*The light in my fridge is out and I have no desire to do my job and hire someone to fix it. The bulb isn't the problem, so at this point, some sensor in the bowels of this massive power drain has conked. I'm just waiting for the fifteen year old behemoth to reach it's built-in expiration date, then I can argue with my home warranty company about the loopholes in their contract which allow them to NEVER pay out for covered items. Whee.
*Speaking of fifteen year olds, I miss my aged cat. He finally lost enough physical and mental function to lose the game of "coyote and cat" that goes on in our neighborhood each night. I made sure he was inside every night, but one evening he just didn't return in time...
*The new kittens are great, but now I live in fear that I will have to handle the emotional fallout of one of my daughter's cats making a tasty dessert. Neither would be great, both would be sad, but just ONE disappearing would be one of those vivid childhood memories that I can't fix.
*That was a bit depressing. Hmm, new cup of coffee in hand, I will go with the upbeat. I am excited as hell that we have a new president who can speak in complete sentences, even if they are peppered with ers, ums. Those breaks indicate to me that he can think and talk at the same time. YAY.
*Pandora is the first thing I lauch when I turn on the computer. Some unexpected track from the past, or a new song that catches my ear, can make my day. With Pandora, the whole creative music world is at your fingertips, what's not to like?
*So, with my "Quick Mix" blasting, I'm off to the unselfish part of my day. The unending drudgery of chores is calling. I'm buoyed by caffeine, messy construction paper hearts that say "I love Mom", and two cats who have outsmarted the predators for one more day.
*The light in my fridge is out and I have no desire to do my job and hire someone to fix it. The bulb isn't the problem, so at this point, some sensor in the bowels of this massive power drain has conked. I'm just waiting for the fifteen year old behemoth to reach it's built-in expiration date, then I can argue with my home warranty company about the loopholes in their contract which allow them to NEVER pay out for covered items. Whee.
*Speaking of fifteen year olds, I miss my aged cat. He finally lost enough physical and mental function to lose the game of "coyote and cat" that goes on in our neighborhood each night. I made sure he was inside every night, but one evening he just didn't return in time...
*The new kittens are great, but now I live in fear that I will have to handle the emotional fallout of one of my daughter's cats making a tasty dessert. Neither would be great, both would be sad, but just ONE disappearing would be one of those vivid childhood memories that I can't fix.
*That was a bit depressing. Hmm, new cup of coffee in hand, I will go with the upbeat. I am excited as hell that we have a new president who can speak in complete sentences, even if they are peppered with ers, ums. Those breaks indicate to me that he can think and talk at the same time. YAY.
*Pandora is the first thing I lauch when I turn on the computer. Some unexpected track from the past, or a new song that catches my ear, can make my day. With Pandora, the whole creative music world is at your fingertips, what's not to like?
*So, with my "Quick Mix" blasting, I'm off to the unselfish part of my day. The unending drudgery of chores is calling. I'm buoyed by caffeine, messy construction paper hearts that say "I love Mom", and two cats who have outsmarted the predators for one more day.
Wonderful! It is such a shamefully voyeuristic need we have; this desire to peep into other people's lives and thoughts and daily rituals, but somehow, in this awfully impersonal world we have created for ourselves it seems to be the only way we have of getting to know someone a little better.
ReplyDeletePlease don't stop.
P.S. Is that Lily? She's beautiful!
No, that was Al.